Apple Day
Apple Day 2023 – Saturday October 8th
Apple Day is a nation-wide celebration of apples and orchards and for this year it was held on Saturday October 8th.
Of course being “Apple Day” juicing came high up the list of activities. even though it had not been such a good year for apples, nevertheless there was plenty of excellent apple juice pressed.
Many came and asked our expert about apples and also a chance to learn how to identify different varieties and filled gaps on their knowledge. We hope to see even more apples.
St Anne’s PTFA ran a licensed bar which was, as expected, had plenty of customers! There were jacket potatoes, vegetable curry curtesy of the Garden Society and certainly not to be missed absolutely delicious minestrone soup from IL Lupo. Many thanks to all who provided food.
The William Tell Archery Competition proved to be as popular as ever. The live music was excellent and provided a relaxing backdrop to the afternoon.
There were games to keep a;; entertained and skittles showed that the traditional games still have a strong attraction for all ages.
Reports and photos from previous Apple Days are here.
Thanks to Common Ground the inspiration. Take a look at Common Ground’s page on the history of Apple Day